Hello everyone. I am a part time student in the MALS program in the Digital Humanities track. I am also a full time systems engineer at a financial company, so I am coming from a fairly technical background. I plan to use this semester to learn a new computer language, Python, and practice writing programs with it. Python is a high level language with a focus on ease of use and modularity, so I think it will be well suited for Digital Humanities projects.
I have spent the last ten or so years of my career making academic information available to students, faculty, and researchers. For four years, I was a cataloger, providing metadata for mostly print materials. Now I have a broader range of responsibilities, which include selecting and licensing books and research databases, teaching research and critical thinking skills to students. I work in a field that was established and organized around the idea that information is scarce and data is hard to share. Although times have changed and I’m not sure what libraries will look like ten years from now, I firmly believe that the core skills and values of librarians — the need to organize and highlight relationships among pieces of knowledge and information, the importance of approaching data with a critical eye, and the belief that knowledge is a common good that must be preserved and shared as freely as possible — must remain central to academic endeavors. So, I’m hoping to learn new methods of research and approaches to handling data that have evolved with technology in recent years, and identify what tools and skills I need to learn to participate in this new environment.
Hi all, it’s Jonathan Maxwell, and I would like to briefly share with you all my goals for DH 2013 Tools and Methods this semester. Despite the fact that i have no concrete research goals at the moment, I am still open to making the most of this course by learning more about the field of DH. As stated earlier today, my field is history, yet I am interested in learning more about, and actually trying, coding, given that the theorizing behind it was mentioned last semester in Debates in the Digital Humanities course. Hopefully, by the end of the semester, I will be aware of useful DH tools and resources that can be useful to me in my future work/research in the field of history, and hopefully my interest in and knowledge of the DH will grow as well.
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Hello everyone. I am a part time student in the MALS program in the Digital Humanities track. I am also a full time systems engineer at a financial company, so I am coming from a fairly technical background. I plan to use this semester to learn a new computer language, Python, and practice writing programs with it. Python is a high level language with a focus on ease of use and modularity, so I think it will be well suited for Digital Humanities projects.
I have spent the last ten or so years of my career making academic information available to students, faculty, and researchers. For four years, I was a cataloger, providing metadata for mostly print materials. Now I have a broader range of responsibilities, which include selecting and licensing books and research databases, teaching research and critical thinking skills to students. I work in a field that was established and organized around the idea that information is scarce and data is hard to share. Although times have changed and I’m not sure what libraries will look like ten years from now, I firmly believe that the core skills and values of librarians — the need to organize and highlight relationships among pieces of knowledge and information, the importance of approaching data with a critical eye, and the belief that knowledge is a common good that must be preserved and shared as freely as possible — must remain central to academic endeavors. So, I’m hoping to learn new methods of research and approaches to handling data that have evolved with technology in recent years, and identify what tools and skills I need to learn to participate in this new environment.
Hi all, it’s Jonathan Maxwell, and I would like to briefly share with you all my goals for DH 2013 Tools and Methods this semester. Despite the fact that i have no concrete research goals at the moment, I am still open to making the most of this course by learning more about the field of DH. As stated earlier today, my field is history, yet I am interested in learning more about, and actually trying, coding, given that the theorizing behind it was mentioned last semester in Debates in the Digital Humanities course. Hopefully, by the end of the semester, I will be aware of useful DH tools and resources that can be useful to me in my future work/research in the field of history, and hopefully my interest in and knowledge of the DH will grow as well.